Business and Personal web pages from Ireland Search result

St Johns College, Ballyfermot

St Johns College, Ballyfermot

St. John's College De La Salle is an all-male secondary school in Ballyfermot, South Dublin in Ireland, the longest serving secondary school in the area. The school is run by the De La Salle Christian Brothers. St. John's College is partially funded by the Department of Education and Skills. The school offers the full six years of secondary level academic study. 1st year and 2nd year is divided into 4–5 classes. Each class has the average number of 23 students. In 3rd year, students are arranged into different classes, from highest to lowest in academic ability. The college offers an optional 4th Year (Transition Year) Programme established sice 2013. In 5th year, students are divided into a two-year programmes called Leaving Certificate or Leaving Certificate Applied or Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme. Students have the choice to pick one of these programmes. In 6th year, these programmes remain the same.Like every school around the country, it has In House and State Exams. In December all students must participate in the Christmas Exams. These exams usually take place on 15 December. Around 28 March every 3rd and 6th year student sits Pre-Junior Certificate Examinations or the Pre-Leaving Certificate Examinations. This exam does not count for the actual Junior Certificate Examination or Leaving Certificate Examination, but it is dealt like the actual actual exam. On 27 May up to 3 June 1st, 2nd and 5th year students are put up to their last exam of the academic year, the In House Summer Exams, each student must achieve a minimum pass in these exams to progress onto the next year. When these exams are over, the Junior Certificate Examinations and Leaving Certificate Examinations are held in the school on 10 June. The current Principal is Ann - Marie Leonard and the current Deputy Principal is Adrienne Murphy.
Baldoyle Yoga

Baldoyle Yoga

Baldoyle Badminton Centre, Dublin ,
The style of yoga I teach is called Flow Yoga. It is also known as Vinyasa Yoga. Flow/Vinyasa yoga is based on hatha yoga but it is more fast paced and we flow with the breath from one pose (asana) to the next. This flowing movement adds an extra cardiovascular benefit that you don’t often get in traditional Hatha Yoga. Flowing with the breath also makes it easier to bring in a more meditative quality to the practice, giving you more energy, focus and clarity. This style of yoga allows for a lot of variation but almost always includes sun salutations in the warm up part of the class. I began attending yoga classes nearly 12 years ago. I was looking for something that would help ease the back pain and stiffness I had being experiencing over the previous couple of years. I was born with some problems in my spine but in my early twenties the inevitable muscular symptoms had started taking their toll. I had tried all sorts of exercise classes and none of them worked but I experienced great relief from my first yoga class and with consistent practice I managed to eliminate my back pain, improve my posture and my breathing After about a year of attending regular classes I began to notice other effects too. I was generally in better health, I dropped down a size in my clothes and more importantly I was finding it easier to relax and was dealing better emotionally with life's up and downs. I decided I wanted to learn more about the meditative effects of yoga and develop my own practice at home in 2005 I embarked on a two year teacher training diploma with the YTTC (Yoga training and therapy centre). I graduated in 2007 and I am fully certified with Yoga Alliance, the European regulatory body for yoga. I spent a couple of years teaching at various centres around Dublin city before finally setting up as a full time yoga teacher. I was lucky to find I had a strong passion for teaching as well as practicing you and I absolutely love passing on the wonderful effects of yoga to those who attend my class.
Cheeky Monkeys Crafts

Cheeky Monkeys Crafts

99 Malahide Road, Donnycarney, Dulin 3, Dublin ,
Our Dublin Wool Shop 99 Malahide Road, Donnycarney, Dublin 3.
ELTA Brazil -Callan Method in Dublin- Contact Jaqueline

ELTA Brazil -Callan Method in Dublin- Contact Jaqueline

11, Burgh Way Dublin 2 , Dublin ,
Nos últimos tempos muitas pessoas estão sendo surpreendidas na hora da busca de um emprego, com os crescentes números de exigências em que muitas empresas estão impondo na hora de contratar novos funcionários. Agora muitas empresas preferem pessoas que no mínimo entendem e falam um pouco do idioma Inglês ademais de outras habilidades. As exigências que essas empresas fazem não é sem fundamento, pois cada vez o idioma Inglês está mais presente no Brasil e no mundo, especialmente em empresas multinacionais, onde a maioria dos diretores e executivos muitas vezes controlam o desempenho de seus setores lá fora no estrangeiro e grande parte deles não sabem falar outro idioma além do Inglês e assim exigem que as pessoas que trabalham em suas empresas saibam pelo menos atender um telefonema em Inglês como mínimo para poder fazer parte da empresa. Saber falar uma língua estrangeira como o Inglês não é considerado mais um diferencial que você pode incorporar no seu currículo, mais sim uma exigência básica do mercado de trabalho nos dia de hoje, assim como o conhecimento de informática e outras habilidades exigidas em cada profissão. No Brasil o ensino de Inglês é obrigatório nas escolas públicas a partir da quinta serie do ensino fundamental, porém em muitas escolas esse idioma não está sendo tratado com o devido valor que deveria ser. O resultado disso é desastroso para os alunos dessas escolas, pois além de não aprenderem o idioma, ficam pensando que o idioma Inglês é um bicho de sete cabeças, impossível de ser aprendido. Mas não é bem assim, todas as pessoas tem a capacidade de aprender a falar uma língua desde que tenha as orientações e os incentivos corretos assim como tomar o seu próprio tempo para isso. Chegou a hora de voce dar uma reviravolta e fazer um intercambio!! Um dia eu tive o sonho de sair do pais, aprender idiomas e conhecer novos lugares e pessoas diferentes. Tudo isso se tornou realidade, quando eu decidi dar um tempo na vida aqui e me jogar no mundo. Sou uma ex. intercambista, ja morei na espanha e irlanda. Hoje trabalho em um banco norte americano e sou trilingue. E tambem professora de ingles na escola Skill Idiomas. Em dublin, tive a oportunidade de conhecer o Callan Method no instituto ELTA, um metodo de aprendizado facil,dinamico e acima de tudo, EFICAZ. Pois quando eu cheguei na irlanda, eu nao falava uma palavra em ingles, e pouco tempo fui memorizando e melhorando e rapidamente peguei a fluencia que almejava. Estudar em uma boa escola, faz todo a diferenca, pois o tempo e algo muito precioso, e escolas de ma qualidade estao cheias por ai... Hoje eu ajudo as pessoas a lutarem pelo seus sonhos e objetivos, e dizer que o momento e agora!! Segue meu contato para quaisquer perguntas relacionadas a intercambio: Jaqueline 11-5444 9690 ou msg pelo FB. ou
Pure Intention Therapeutic Beauty & Massage Therapy

Pure Intention Therapeutic Beauty & Massage Therapy

29 St. Mary's Drive, Walkinstown, Dublin 12., Dublin ,
**** CONTACT FOR APPOINTMENTS ****Fully Qualified Beauty Therapist . Now a Fully Qualified Massage Therapist, I was lucky enough to train in the amazing Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy in Costa Rica. An amazing journey, experience and amazing education. I am so excited to share everything that I learnt in my time there. I promise to give you a treatment that you will not forget and it will be very hard to find anything as good. Try it today and be amazed
Tel: 861284821