Business and Personal web pages from Ireland Search result

Killarney School of English. English Language School in Ireland.

Killarney School of English. English Language School in Ireland.

Muckross Road, Killarney ,
We are an English language school for all the family located at Killarney National Park in beautiful Killarney in South West Ireland.
ELTA Brazil -Callan Method in Dublin- Contact Jaqueline

ELTA Brazil -Callan Method in Dublin- Contact Jaqueline

11, Burgh Way Dublin 2 , Dublin ,
Nos últimos tempos muitas pessoas estão sendo surpreendidas na hora da busca de um emprego, com os crescentes números de exigências em que muitas empresas estão impondo na hora de contratar novos funcionários. Agora muitas empresas preferem pessoas que no mínimo entendem e falam um pouco do idioma Inglês ademais de outras habilidades. As exigências que essas empresas fazem não é sem fundamento, pois cada vez o idioma Inglês está mais presente no Brasil e no mundo, especialmente em empresas multinacionais, onde a maioria dos diretores e executivos muitas vezes controlam o desempenho de seus setores lá fora no estrangeiro e grande parte deles não sabem falar outro idioma além do Inglês e assim exigem que as pessoas que trabalham em suas empresas saibam pelo menos atender um telefonema em Inglês como mínimo para poder fazer parte da empresa. Saber falar uma língua estrangeira como o Inglês não é considerado mais um diferencial que você pode incorporar no seu currículo, mais sim uma exigência básica do mercado de trabalho nos dia de hoje, assim como o conhecimento de informática e outras habilidades exigidas em cada profissão. No Brasil o ensino de Inglês é obrigatório nas escolas públicas a partir da quinta serie do ensino fundamental, porém em muitas escolas esse idioma não está sendo tratado com o devido valor que deveria ser. O resultado disso é desastroso para os alunos dessas escolas, pois além de não aprenderem o idioma, ficam pensando que o idioma Inglês é um bicho de sete cabeças, impossível de ser aprendido. Mas não é bem assim, todas as pessoas tem a capacidade de aprender a falar uma língua desde que tenha as orientações e os incentivos corretos assim como tomar o seu próprio tempo para isso. Chegou a hora de voce dar uma reviravolta e fazer um intercambio!! Um dia eu tive o sonho de sair do pais, aprender idiomas e conhecer novos lugares e pessoas diferentes. Tudo isso se tornou realidade, quando eu decidi dar um tempo na vida aqui e me jogar no mundo. Sou uma ex. intercambista, ja morei na espanha e irlanda. Hoje trabalho em um banco norte americano e sou trilingue. E tambem professora de ingles na escola Skill Idiomas. Em dublin, tive a oportunidade de conhecer o Callan Method no instituto ELTA, um metodo de aprendizado facil,dinamico e acima de tudo, EFICAZ. Pois quando eu cheguei na irlanda, eu nao falava uma palavra em ingles, e pouco tempo fui memorizando e melhorando e rapidamente peguei a fluencia que almejava. Estudar em uma boa escola, faz todo a diferenca, pois o tempo e algo muito precioso, e escolas de ma qualidade estao cheias por ai... Hoje eu ajudo as pessoas a lutarem pelo seus sonhos e objetivos, e dizer que o momento e agora!! Segue meu contato para quaisquer perguntas relacionadas a intercambio: Jaqueline 11-5444 9690 ou msg pelo FB. ou
Stepping Up Dance Arts

Stepping Up Dance Arts

Classes range in age from toddler to 12. Here is brief description of each class: Jitterbugs (1-3 years) Come dance, sing, and perhaps learn a yoga posture or 2 with me and the Jitterbugs! This interactive class will have mom (dad, granny, auntie, or guardian) and your toddler exploring, tapping, jumping, and laughing throughout! Tippy Toe Ballet (3 - 4 years) - Your little ones will grow in independence as they use their imagination and creativity to enhance their movement with basic ballet and creative dance steps! Singing and laughing along the way! Pre-Ballet/Creative Dance (4 -6 years) - This class will introduce very young children to the basic elements of dance and movement. Students will learn to dance both as individuals and as a member of a group as they develop rhythm, coordination, flexiblity, creativity, expression, imagination, self-awareness, and self-confidence. We also incorporate the use of various props such as scarves, bean bags, rhythm instruments and more (these props are used in all classes!). Pre-ballet/Pre-Tap (4 - 6 years) - This class builds on the pre-ballet/creative dance class and incorporates basic tap steps! The class will explore movement through music, stimulate students' imagination and promote creativity. It will also give them an understanding of the classroom community, improve social skills and develop fine motor skills all while having fun! Tap/Jazz/Ballet Combo (6 - 8 years) - Dancers will enjoy this class that builds on basic movements we have been working on but is still appropriate for first time dancers. Jazz portion includes an intro to proper warm-ups and stretches for the body combined with across-the-floor and mini combinations. The tap portion will concentrate on building confidence thru mastering more difficult patterns and steps. Ballet portion will include intro to ballet barre and learning more challenging steps. Hip Hop/Jazz (8 - 10 years) - Fun class learning hip hop and jazz moves to modern music. Yoga Buzz (5 - 12 years) - Yoga classes for kids coming soon! Stepping Up Dance Arts is dedicated to teaching children the art of dance in a fun and modern way. Younger children will learn with imagery based and creative movement using props and classical music. Older children will learn contemporary technique using props and popular music. All classes are designed to grow with the child's ability and agility in a non-competitive environment.
Tel: 863542041
Kerry School of Music and Performing Arts

Kerry School of Music and Performing Arts

Old Custom House, High Street, Tralee ,
Welcome to Kerry School of Music and Performing Arts - the only fully integrated performing arts school in Ireland. The School was founded in 1981 by its present Principal, Tralee-born musician Aidan O' Carroll to literally 'make music happen' in the Kerry Region. 1,600 students currently take foundation to pre-professional courses in music, dance, drama, music theatre, languages and music technology. They are taught by a superb team of more than 40 professional practitioner/academics at 10 centres throughout Kerry - Tralee, Killarney, Listowel, Kenmare, Killorglin, Castleisland, Dingle, Cahersiveen, Waterville and Valentia Island. The vast majority of our students range in age between 4 and 18 and attend on a part-time basis after school and on weekends. We cater also for a growing number of adults, many of whom return to music and performing arts training to avail of second chance educational opportunities and, in many cases, achieve an unfulfilled ambition to play or sing their favourite tunes. For still others its the social pleasure of being with like-minded people in a structured, fulfilling environment. All teaching is syllabus based and student progress is monitored through non-compulsory Annual Individual Performance Assessments and written assessments. Once they have achieved a basic level of competence, students are actively encouraged to apply their performing skills by joining one of the School's many Performing Ensembles which perform regularly in the region throughout the year. In recent years performing groups have toured overseas in Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Italy. Future overseas tours are planned for the Crimea and Finland. Many past students continue to pursue successful careers in Radio and Television, Theatre, Opera, Music Theatre ad in composing, directing as well as in the music industry. Kerry School of Music and Performing Arts is a registered company (No. 144169), a charity (CHY. No: 10046), recognised under the Finance Acts and a Scientific Body.
GMIT Letterfrack

GMIT Letterfrack

GMIT Letterfrack, Letterfrack ,
GMIT Letterfrack is a National Centre of Excellence that provides honours degree level programmes in furniture, design and wood technology to address the requirements of industry and education in Ireland. Currently the college has 250 full-time students studying on different degree programmes. Established in 1987, GMIT Letterfrack has delivered programmes related to all aspects of the furniture industry. A common first year enables students to develop all necessary skills required for designing and producing fine furniture. Depending on specific programme choice, students begin to specialise in either design or technology or education in year two. Graduates contribute to and influence the fields of furniture and wood product design, education, technology and manufacture in ways that are innovative, creative and responsive to the ongoing development of the Irish economy. GMIT Letterfrack has well established relations with the Irish furniture and wood products industry and has links with colleges in Europe and the USA. In addition, it partners with a broad range of progressive and advanced manufacturing companies, located throughout the world, as part of a substantial work placement (internship) element of all industry programmes. As part of its teacher training programme for technological subjects up to Leaving Certificate, GMIT Letterfrack links with post-primary schools throughout Ireland for student school placements. Excellence is at the core of a student centred approach to teaching and learning within GMIT Letterfrack. Graduates attain a range of key skills linked to their programme choice and emphasis is placed on quality project-based learning. Exceptional facilities are complimented by a highly dedicated staff and prospective applicants are encouraged to visit on one of the scheduled Open Days throughout the year. Programmes on the campus are supported by Connemara West (a community and rural development organisation based in Letterfrack). Fáilte go GMIT Leitir Fraic Tá cláir GMIT i Leitir Fraic á reáchtáil i gcomhpháirtíocht le Conamara Thiar (eagraíocht forbartha pobail agus tuaithe atá bunaithe i gConamara Thiar Thuaidh). Faoi láthair tá 225 neach léinn lánaimseartha ag an gColáiste. Sa bhliain 2008, rinne GMIT, Leitir Fraic a cuid clár a athstruchtúrú le rogha agus solúbthacht níos fearr a thabhairt do na neacha léinn. Chomh maith leis sin, tá nascálacha bunaithe ag an gColáiste le tionscal agus le coláistí thar lear le blianta beaga. Cuirtear socrúcháin oibre ar fáil in Éirinn, san AE, san Astráil agus i Meiriceá. Cuidíonn cláir Erasmus agus Socrates atá cistithe ag an AE le roghanna staidéir thar sáile. Riarann GMIT Leitir Fraic clár 4 bliana ab initio dar teideal Baitsiléir Eolaíochta (Onór) in Oideachas Dearaidh agus Teicneolaíochta. Oileann an clár seo neacha léinn le bheith ina múinteoirí ábhar teicneolaíochta go dtí an Ardteistiméireacht i scoileanna dara leibhéal. Cuireann an Coláiste comórtais neach léinn chun cinn go fuinniúil toisc go spreagann siad an neach leinn le feidhmiú ar an leibhéal is airde. Sa bhliain 2008, ghnóthaigh neacha léinn de chuid GMIT Leitir Fraic Dearthóir Neach Léinn na Bliana agus an Comórtas Náisiúnta Scileanna i nDéantús Troscáin. Is cuid ríthábhachtach dá bhforbairt oideachasúil é rannpháirtíocht na neach léinn i gcomórtais náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta a bhaineann lena réimse staidéir. Ligeann sé do neacha léinn iad féin a chur i gcomórtas le neacha léinn eile i ndisciplíní gaolmhara agus tugann sé aischothú seachtrach dóibh ar obair thionscadail. Bíonn an-tóir ag fostóirí ar chéimithe ó na cúrsaí uile ar champas Leitir Fraic. Cuireann céimithe le, agus imríonn siad tionchar ar, réimsí próiseas dearaidh agus déantúsaíochta troscáin ar bhealaí atá nuálaíoch, cruthaitheach agus freagrach do riachtanais agus d’fhorbairt tionscal troscáin d’ardchaighdeán na hÉireann. A few simple rules for posting on this page: Do not post spam. Don't bully, abuse or harass any user. Adhere to copyright and intellectual property laws when posting here. GMIT Letterfrack maintains the right to remove any comments or posts it deems inappropriate or derogatory towards the institute or any individuals.
WICE Intercâmbio

WICE Intercâmbio

3d Floor, 55 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin ,
A WICE é uma agência especialista em intercâmbios na Irlanda. Com foco na busca de oportunidades ao intercambista em Dublin, a WICE desenvolve programas personalizados e atua no suporte do estudante durante todo o intercâmbio. Contando com uma Equipe no Brasil e outra Equipe em Dublin, intercambistas WICE recebem ajuda de consultores especialistas em intercâmbio na Irlanda para elaborar o planejamento da viagem. Também poderão contar com mais de 20 serviços WICE disponíveis em Dublin voltados ao mundo do estudante. Serviços pré-intercâmbio, durante o intercâmbio e pós-intercâmbio: 1. Desenvolvimento e Promoção de cursos no exterior, 2. Agendamento de Acomodação, 3. Seguro saúde e Seguro viagem, 4. Promoção de Passagens Aéreas, 5. Recepção no Aeroporto e Translado à acomodação, 6. City Tour: apresentando a capital irlandesa, 7. Manual do Intercambista em Dublin, 8. Auxílio ao visto (PPS, Conta Bancária, Imigração), 9. Carteira Internacional de Estudante, 10. Auxílio na Escolha da Moradia Definitiva, 11. Tradução e Produção de Curriculum Vitae, 12. Seminário, Treinamento e Workshop, 13. Auxílio na busca por emprego, 14. Auxílio Tax Back (retorno de impostos), 15. Programa Au Pair/Demi Pair e Estágios em Dublin, 16. Excursões turísticas, 17. Atividades esportivas e sociais, 18. Mochilão pela Europa, 19. Promoção de bilhetes de trem pele Europa, 20. Promoção de Cruzeiros, 21. Promoção de Férias (Holiday Package Deals) 22. Promoção City Break e shows em outras capitais 23. Blog Wice em Dublin: Notícias; O melhor de Dublin; Telefone e Sites Úteis; Pontos Turísticos; Viajando pela Irlanda; Agenda de Eventos; Classificados; Ofertas de emprego; Ofertas de Au Pair; Compra-Coletivas; Renovação em Promoção; Retorne de Cruzeiro; Work Experience; e muito mais!
Cork English College

Cork English College

10 Bridge Street, Cork ,
Cork English College is Cork's leading English language college. Established in 1978, we have taught English to tens of thousands of students over the years. CEC is recognised by the Dept of Education and we are members of Quality English. CEC is an official OPEN Cambridge ESOL testing centre and we are now an OFFICIAL IELTS testing centre We have a full range of adult and junior programmes running all year round, check out the website....
NUI Galway Chaplaincy

NUI Galway Chaplaincy

The Chaplains (known officially in the University as Deans of Chaplaincy Services) are appointed by the Governing Body of the University to support and give expression to the University's commitment to the development of the whole human person. Inspired by the Christian vision of life, the Chaplains strive to promote respect for the dignity of each individual person within the University community. Within University structures, they report to the Vice-President for the Student Experience. There are two full-time Chaplains: Fr. Barry Horan Born in Dublin, Barry and his family moved to Galway when he was twelve. After secondary school in St. Mary's College, Galway, he studied one year of Commerce at NUI,Galway before entering seminary at Maynooth. Since his ordination for the Diocese of Galway in 1999, he has served in Gort Community School, University College Hospital (Merlin Park), Galway Marriage Tribunal, and assisted in the parishes of Gort, Galway Cathedral, Ros Muc and Knocknacarra. Fr. Patrick O'Donohue Patrick is from Lisdoonvarna in Co. Clare. He is a priest of the Diocese of Galway and was appointed Chaplain at NUI, Galway in 2010, shortly after his ordination. This is his first appointment, having studied in Sligo IT, Rome and in Maynooth. Administrative Assistant: Ms. Dolores McAndrew A native of Galway city and a graduate of UCG, Dolores has worked closely with Chaplaincy since 1997 and became Administrator for the Chaplaincy Department in 2006, having been appointed to the University in 1990.
Tel: 91495055


Shallon, Julianstown ,
TeachSales2Me is an e-learning company that specialises in Sales Training. We develop low cost, high quality sales training for mobile and desktop devices.
LA College of Creative Arts

LA College of Creative Arts

4-5 Chatham Street, Dublin ,
LA College of Creative Arts offers world class programs spanning make-up, special effects, fashion studies, and styling.


Maple House, Lower Kilmacud Rd, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Stillorgan ,
Software Training and Development Company.
Tel: 01-2790020
Institute of Technology Blanchardstown , Dublin

Institute of Technology Blanchardstown , Dublin

Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Blanchardstown Road North, Dublin ,
The Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB) was established in 1999 and offers courses at Higher Certificate, Ordinary Degree, Honours Degree, Masters and PhD levels. Courses are offered on a full-time, part-time, work-based and online basis.