Business and Personal web pages from Ireland Search result

Our lady of Mercy, Booterstown

Our lady of Mercy, Booterstown

Rosemount Terrace, Booterstown ,
We all know it's the best school around. Join if you're a pupil, past pupil, teacher (Looking at you Mrs Benson) Feel free to share the memories, good or bad....
Glenone  Montessori  Rathgar Village

Glenone Montessori Rathgar Village

48 Terenure Road East,Rathgar Village,, Dublin ,
Glenone,founded on the 08.08.1988 by Susie Aherne Gray.
Tel: 01 4901368
Gortnor Abbey Triathlon

Gortnor Abbey Triathlon

Gortnor Abbey, Crossmolina ,
Gortnor Abbey Triathlon Date: 18th May 2013 Registration: 10:00-11:30 Start time: 13:00 This triathlon is open to both adults and secondary school students. The triathlon this year will have chip timing. Location: Jesus and Mary Secondary School, Gortnor Abbey, Crossmolina, Co.Mayo. Two distances: Juniors - 350metre swim, 10km cycle, 2.5km run Seniors - 750metre swim, 20km cycle, 5km run (approximate distances) Cost: Student individual full triathlon - €15 Student relay - €30 (swimmer €10, cyclist €10, runner €10) Students doing 1 or 2 of the three parts of the triathlon - €10 Adult individual - €30 Adult relay - €45 (swimmer €15, cyclist €15, runner €15) Adults doing 1 or 2 of the three parts of the triathlon - €15 No lisence required Entries: Students and adults can enter either the junior or the senior distances. To be considered for prizes in the junior triathlon competitors must be 15 or younger. Pick whatever distance suits you best. Anyone who wants to do one part on their own or two parts on their own can - you do not have to be part of a relay team. Anyone doing parts like this will not be part of the chip timing. Entry forms are available through the Gortnor Abbey website Please return the entry forms and fee to Joe Moran, Jesus and Mary secondary school, Gortnor Abbey, Crossmolina, Co. Mayo. as soon as possible. Entries and fee can be dropped in to Morans Shoes on Pearse Street if that's more convenient for anyone. Competitors must: wear a wetsuit wear a helmet use a bike that is in good working order be able to swim at least 350 metres for junior triathlon, 750 metres for senior triathlon have consent form signed by parents/guardians if under 18 Competitors will receive: a t-shirt a goodie bag a swim hat light refreshments
Polska Szkoła w Ballinasloe

Polska Szkoła w Ballinasloe

Polska Szkoła w Ballinasloe działalność rozpoczęła we wrześniu 2009. Jesteśmy niezależną sobotnio – niedzielną szkołą polonijną, która staje naprzeciw wyzwaniom edukacyjnym XXI wieku, oraz zmianom zachodzącym w kraju ojczystym. Nasza szkoła jest placówką, w której jakość nauczania jest sprawą pierwszoplanową. Głównym celem tej inicjatywy jest chęć pomocy najmłodszym naszym emigrantom. Nasze dzieci uczęszczają do irlandzkich szkół, większość z tych dzieci ma poważne braki w edukacji na temat historii i geografii Polski, języka polskiego. Większość rodziców zapracowanych, zabieganych nie ma czasu na to by pomóc swoim dzieciom w uzupełnianiu tych niedociągnięć. Jest grupa ludzi, która postanowiła wrócić do Polski i to właśnie rodzicom tych dzieci chcę pomóc, by ich dzieci odnalazły się w polskiej rzeczywistości, natomiast te rodziny, które planują pozostać poza granicami kraju „na zawsze”, nie powinni zapominać skąd i kim jesteśmy oraz nie ograniczać naszym pociechom zdobywania wiedzy na temat naszego kraju. Szkoła stawia sobie za zadanie wychowanie uczniów w duchu poszanowania i miłości ojczyzny. Chcemy, by dzieci mieszkające poza granicami kraju nie zatraciły swej tożsamości narodowej, nie wstydziły się swoich korzeni, lecz były dumne ze swego pochodzenia, a w przyszłości prezentowały światu bogatą tradycję polską i kulturę. Szkoła opiera się głównie na realizacji uzupełniającego planu nauczania (język polski; historia Polski; geografia Polski; wiedza o społeczeństwie polskim) podanego i zatwierdzonego przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej w Warszawie, nauczyciele zatrudnieni w szkole posiadają wymagane kwalifikacje pedagogiczne (zgodne z wytycznymi przez MEN). Zajęcia odbywają się raz w tygodniu w sobotę lub w niedzielę w zależności od ustalonego planu zajęć dla poszczególnych klas w wynajmowanych pomieszczeniach: Ballinasloe Youth Information Centre Marina Point, Harbour Road Ballinasloe Do szkoły obecnie uczęszcza ponad 70 dzieci, które uczą się w klasach I – VI szkoły podstawowej oraz w I i III klasie gimnazjum. Szkoła jest utrzymywana z czesnego opłacanego przez rodziców dzieci. Pieniądze są przeznaczane na szkołę i jej potrzeby: opłatę czynszu za szkołę, pensje nauczycieli, rozbudowę biblioteki, zakup pomocy dydaktycznych lub nagród dla uczniów. Na koniec roku szkolnego każdy absolwent otrzymuje certyfikat – świadectwo ukończenia naszej szkoły, na którym znajdują się informacje o uczęszczaniu dziecka do szkoły i realizowaniu uzupełniającego programu nauczania, wykaz przedmiotów oraz wyniki w nauczaniu rocznym.
Clongowes Wood College

Clongowes Wood College

Clongowes Wood College is a voluntary secondary boarding school for boys, located near Clane in County Kildare, Ireland. Founded by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) in 1814, it is one of Ireland's oldest Catholic schools, and featured prominently in James Joyce's semi-autobiographical novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. One of five Jesuit schools in Ireland, it had 450 students in 2011/2012 when the fees were €16800 per annum.The school's current headmaster is Fr Leonard Maloney. Fr Michael Sheil SJ retired as rector in 2006 and Fr Bruce Bradley (headmaster 1992-2000) was his successor. In September 2011 Fr.Michael Sheil S.J. returned as Rector.SchoolThe school is a secondary boarding school for boys from Ireland and other parts of the world. The school is divided into three groups, known as "lines". The Third Line is for First and Second years; the Lower Line for Third and Fourth years; and the Higher Line for Fifth and Sixth years. Each year is known by a name: Elements (First year), Rudiments (Second year), Grammar (Third year), Syntax (Fourth year), Poetry (Fifth year), and Rhetoric (Sixth year).BuildingsThe medieval castle was originally built in the 13th century by Stuart Cullen, an early Anglo-Norman warrior and landowner in North Kildare.He had been given extensive lands in the area of Kill, Celbridge and Mainham by his brother, Rurai Blaney, who had come to Ireland with Strongbow, the Earl of Pembroke.
Clonkeen Montessori, Foxrock, Dublin 18

Clonkeen Montessori, Foxrock, Dublin 18

64 Clonkeen Drive, Foxrock ,
Clonkeen Montessori was establiched in 1995 and caters for children from ages 2 to 5. We are participating in the ECCE scheme.
Sligo Grammar School

Sligo Grammar School

Sligo Grammar School, The Mall, Sligo ,
gr8 school
Nenagh CBS Past Pupils and Staff

Nenagh CBS Past Pupils and Staff

Summerhill, Nenagh ,
Reconnect with school friends and teachers,, check out pictures of your leaving cert year, post updates, exchange views and opinions, network and work together again. Welcome back to Nenagh CBS ...
Mercy College Coolock

Mercy College Coolock

t. Brendan's Drive, Malahide Rd., Dublin 5, Dublin ,
Mercy Respects each and every girl so that they feel safe. Mercy Collage Books Are 100Euro. Inroll Your Child Early So That You Know She Has A Spot. Mercy Collage Sports Days Are Fun For Everyone. Theres A Bouncy Castle And Medals For Those That Win Races If Your Lucky Enough You Might Win. You Must Be In School At 9:00am If You Are Late You Get Detention. So Try Be Early. Good Luck To Those That Are Doing Their Leaving Cert/Junior Cert Best Of Luck. If You Want to Inroll Your Child Come To The School Between 9:00/10:30 !!! Thank You For Reading !!!
Coláiste Eoin

Coláiste Eoin

Coláiste Eoin is an Irish language Catholic voluntary secondary Gaelcholáiste for boys, under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust located in Booterstown, County Dublin, Ireland. It prides itself in the Irish culture, having successful hurling and football teams, traditional music bands, and Irish language debating teams. Over 96% of students went on to third-level education in 2005. The school is financed by resources from the Department of Education and Skills and voluntary donations.CampusThe school is 6 km from Dublin city centre. The campus incorporates Coláiste Eoin and Coláiste Íosagáin's original 1970s-built buildings, a science block, an arts block, the newly built 3-storey classroom block and sports hall, and a large sports field with a football and hurling pitch.New buildingsEarly in the 1990s it was deemed that the school's existing single storey buildings, built in the 1970s, were too small to accommodate the growth of both Coláiste Eoin and Íosagáin. It was decided that the school would require both a new classroom block and a sports hall and auditorium. The project experienced difficulties due to a lack of funds. It took many years of collecting voluntary donations from parents and members of the public for the project to reach the planning stage. A second barrier was posed by the fact that additional accommodation could only be placed in a constricted rear area of the site, because the existing grass, gaelic pitch to the south of this site was to be retained. This restricted site condition caused the new building to be formed into two shared elements: a four-storey academic block, and a Sports Hall with performance space. Despite these difficulties, building commenced in 2001, of a Grafton Architects designed structure that met the schools requirements. The project was completed in 2003 and it won a prestigious award at the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland Awards 2004. As well as that, the art block was expanded and redecorated over the summer of 2011
Scoil Naomh Micheal

Scoil Naomh Micheal

Upper Glanmire, White's Cross ,
Scoil Naomh Micheal, Upper Glanmire, Whites Cross, Co. Cork