Business and Personal web pages from Ireland Search result

Arklow Parish 150th Anniversary

Arklow Parish 150th Anniversary

Church of Sts Mary & Peter Celebrates 150 years: On August 18th 2011 Arklow Parish will celebrate 150 years of the dedication of the church of Sts. Mary and Peter. These celebrations will start on January 2nd 2011 and run through until December 31st 2011. A sub-group has been set up to explore ways of how these celebrations will take place. This group have been working very hard on planning and involving as many people in these plans as possible. The theme for this significant year of celebrations will be “ PUTTING OUT INTO THE DEEP.” Luke 5:1-11 Jesus’ words to Peter, "Put out into the deep water" are significant. They challenged Peter to step beyond the comfortable level of human wisdom and understanding into the realm of extraordinary faith and risk and uncertainty. March: Will see the first of two Church Concerts, the first on Friday 4th March @ 8.00 p.m. featuring a host of local artists. A Festival of Faith will take place from March 19th – 26th. April: Fun Filled Family Weekend and Exhibition on Saturday 16th & Sunday17th April. May: This month will mark the main event of the Jubilee year and the main focus of this day will be a very significant liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. June: Launch of a Book on the history of our Church and Parish and a photo exhibition. July: There will be time set aside this month to celebrate emigrants returning home for the annual blessing of the graves. August: World Youth Day will take place in Madrid. September: Special mass for marriage celebrations will take place and the annual trip to Lourdes. October: Will see a trip to the Holy Land. November: Special Mass for members of the seafaring community in Arklow. Also the second Church Concert will take place. December: The 31st will mark the close of this special event packed year. Many other celebrations will take place throughout the year. Updates will be posted onto the Parish Website If you have any ideas on how we should celebrate this important year, please put it in a signed letter and send it to the Jubilee Secretary, Jim Furlong, c/o Arus Lorcain and we will try as far as possible to organise your request. Photo Exhibition: As part of the 150 year celebrations we are holding a photo exhibition and would be interested in using any photos of the church or related activities the people may have. Please drop them to Arus Lorcain or contact Mary at 086-3856448. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land October 2011 As part of our Parish 150th Celebrations a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land will take place from October 10th to 19th October 2011. Direct flight to and from the Holy Land. Cost €1,225 per person sharing. Spiritual Director: Fr. Martin Cosgrove PP. Please contact Irene at Arus Lorcain 0402-31716.
Tel: 0402-31716
Arklow Custom Built PC's, Workstations & Servers

Arklow Custom Built PC's, Workstations & Servers

South Quay, Arklow ,
I'm a computer and technology enthusiast based down in Arklow, Co. Wicklow, with several years of computer experience, and a specialist in gaming technology and general hardware.
Tel: 868729824
Coaching and Psychotherapy Arklow

Coaching and Psychotherapy Arklow

Sheltonville House, 15 Ferrybank, Arklow ,
Nazywam się Justyna Jurczyk, jestem magistrem psychologii. Studia ukończyłam w roku 2007 na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim. Uważam że moja praca wymaga nieustannego uczenia się i rozwijania – dlatego uczęszczam na kursy poszerzające moją wiedzę i umiejętności, dokształcam się we własnym zakresie oraz poddaję moją pracę systematycznej superwizji. Prowadzę psychoterapię łącząc kilka różnych nurtów – między innymi podejście poznawczo – behawioralne, elementy podejścia psychodynamicznego, oraz ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – Terapia Akceptacji i Zaangażowania); aby jak najlepiej dobrać sposób pracy do indywidualnych potrzeb klientów. Wierzę że każdy człowiek posiada w sobie ogromny potencjał aby poradzić sobie ze swoimi trudnościami oraz polepszyć jakość swojego życia, a moją rolą jako psychologa jest pomóc go odnaleźć i rozwinąć. ______________________________________________________________ My name is Justyna Jurczyk, I am qualified psychologist with Masters degree. I graduated in 2007 at the Wroclaw University in Poland. I provide professional and confidential counselling and psychotherapy services in English and Polish, adjusted to your individual situation and needs. Some of the issues that I can help with: - low mood, depression, sadness - anxiety (e.g.from travelling, going out from home, staying alone, also panic attacks) - stress - eating disorders - issues around self esteem and self – confidence - relationship breakdown - loss and grief - therapy for Adult Children of Alcoholics - couples therapy I also direct my services to people who: - feel lonely and are lacking of close relationships - suffer, need support - have difficult family situation or problematic relationship with partner, parent or child - feel unfulfilled or unhappy with their life - wish to develop themselves or understand themselves better - wish to make changes in their lives I'm convinced that my work requires incessant learning and developing myself, that's why I attend courses and trainings broadening my skills and knowledge. I also submit my work to systematic supervisions. I belive hat each person has got own inner wisdom, vast abilities to cope with difficulties and improve one's quality of life, and my role as a psychologist is to find and develop this potential within warm, non-judgemental relationship that I build with my clients.
Tel: 851783716
Arklow Camera Club

Arklow Camera Club

Upstairs in The Gin Mill Pub Main Street Arklow, Arklow ,
We are a local camera club open to all levels of photographers. We meet every two weeks usually on a Tuesday evening. We organize outings and shoots on a regular basis so keep an eye out for them.
Arklow Lower Main Street Traders

Arklow Lower Main Street Traders

Tel: 40239039