Business and Personal web pages from Ireland Search result

Presentation Brothers College, Cork

Presentation Brothers College, Cork

Presentation Brothers College is a Catholic, boys-only, fee-paying secondary school in Cork, Ireland.HistoryThe college was founded by the Presentation Brothers in 1878, in the South Mall. Soon afterwards it moved to the Grand Parade and, in 1887, to the Western Road. In 1985, the college moved to a new building on the Mardyke on the site of the college's rugby facilities; the Western Road premises is now owned and used by UCC. The college has developed new rugby facilities at Dennehy's Cross & uses Shandon Boat Club, for rowing.In 1969, Brother Jerome Kelly returned home from missionary work in the West Indies and was appointed principal of the college. He organised a series of workshops, in which the students of Presentation College were encouraged to think globally and act locally:The result was the founding of the charity Students Harness Aid for the Relief of the Elderly in 1970. SHARE expanded and now includes pupils from other secondary schools in Cork city.In 2005, the Preslink organisation was founded in the school; a group of junior students whose stated aim is to forge links with other Presentation Brothers communities. In 2006, the organisation received an "Edmund Rice Award", which recognises groups that work to improve the lives of others.In November 2009, ownership of the school, along with seven other Presentation Brothers schools in Ireland, was handed over to a group of lay trustees
Dublin OAK Academy

Dublin OAK Academy

Kilcroney, Bray ,
Dublin Oak Academy is a Catholic boarding school for boys from 11 to 16 years old. It offers a complete program: academic, sports, culture and travel. We promote integral formation and leadership qualities in all our students. Dublin Oak Academy es un colegio internado Católico para jóvenes entre 11 y 16 años. Ofrece un programa completo que integra lo académico, cultural, deportivo y viajes. Promovemos la formación integral y cualidades de liderazgo en todos nuestros estudiantes. ------------------------------ Certificates and academics Dublin Oak is a fully recognised Certiport Testing Centre for Microsoft Office Specialist Exams. Each student is encouraged to sit at least one Microsoft exam each year. The Office application we concentrate on is Word. Dublin Oak Academy is authorized by the Irish Department of Education and Science to present the Irish National Junior Certificate Exam. Each year we prepare a group of students to present this exam. Compared to the national average our results have been outstanding. Each student sits two of the following English Certificate exams: Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET) Cambridge First Certificate of English (FCE) Test of Interactive English (TIE) Académico y Certificados Dublin Oak es una academia con el reconocimiento Microsoft Information Technology Academy, que quiere decir que podemos preparar a nuestros estudiantes a recibir el certificado de Microsoft Office Specialist. Así mismo somos un Centro de examinaciones de Microsoft, por lo tanto podemos expedir los certificados para los cuales nuestros estudiantes se preparan. Dublin Oak Academy esta autorizada por el Departamento de Educación y ciencia Irlandés para presentar el examen de estudios medios nacional de Irlanda (Irish National Junior Certificate). Cada año preparamos a un grupo de estudiantes para presentar este examen. Comparando los resultados con el promedio nacional en Irlanda nuestros resultados son altamente competitivos. Cada estudiante recibe durante su año en la Academia uno o mas de los siguientes certificados de Inglés: PET (Examen preliminar de inglés) FCE (Primer certificado en inglés) TIE (Examen interactivo de Inglés) ------------------------------ Spiritual formation Besides for our strong academic programme we put an important emphasis on the spiritual formation of our students. As a Catholic school faithful to the Magisterium we strive to instill Catholic values in our students. Formación Espiritual No obstante nuestro alto nivel académico, ponemos un fuerte énfasis en la formación espiritual de los estudiantes. Como una escuela Católica, fiel al Magisterio de la Iglesia, luchamos incansablemente por la instauración de valores Católicos en nuestros estudiantes. ------------------------------ Sports A great deal of attention is dedicated to athletic formation in the school. Our students play sports at least four times a week to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They can choose among the following activities: soccer, rugby, golf, basketball, tennis, horse riding, cross-country running, archery, martial arts, skiing and fitness. Deportes Se le presta mucha atención a la formación atlética de nuestros estudiantes. Ellos practican deportes por lo menos cuatro veces por semana para mantener un estilo de vida sano. Se puede escoger entre los siguientes deportes: futbol, rugby, golf, basquetbol, tenis, equitación, campo traviesa, arquería, artes marciales, esquí, y acondicionamiento físico. ------------------------------ Weekends and outings Every weekend we organize an outing for our students. They include both cultural and fun outings. Hikes also allow the students to enjoy the beautiful countryside and rich history of Ireland. Fines de semana y paseos Cada fin de semana organizamos un paseo para nuestros estudiantes. Hay diversos tipos de paseo, desde culturales, recreacionales, hasta montañismo. Con su vasta historia, y excepcional belleza Irlanda es un país magnifico para explorar. ------------------------------ International trips The students get a unique opportunity to experience the rich and diverse heritage of Europe on our varied and extensive trips. The countries we have visited so far include: Italy, Spain, England, Wales, France, Germany, Austria, and Hungary. Viajes Internacionales Para “endulzar” el año y aligerar la marcha organizamos diversos viajes internacionales a Europa durante el año, de este modo nuestros estudiantes se pueden familiarizar con otras culturas. Los países que hemos visitado hasta ahora incluyen: Italia, España, Gales, Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Austria y Hungría. ------------------------------ For more information If you are interested in getting to know us better send us a message via Facebook or visit our website at Para mas Información Si estás interesado en conocernos mejor o en inscribirte para nuestro siguiente ciclo escolar, envíanos un mensaje vía Facebook o contáctanos en el sitio