Business and Personal web pages from Ireland Search result

Bosansko-Hercegovačka škola Dublin

Bosansko-Hercegovačka škola Dublin

Mountview Youth and Community Centre, Lohunda Downs, Clonsilla, Dublin ,
i upoznaju se sa kulturom i obicajima njihove domovine Bosne i Hercegovine,bez obzira na religijsku pripadnost. Rad skole zasnovan je na volonterskoj osnovi. Razlozi zašto je bitno da djeca zadrže maternji jezik: 1. Djeca koja znaju dva jezika imaju akademske prednosti: a) Za učenje drugih jezika, na primjer irskog, francuskog itd. b) Istraživanja pokazuju da su dvojezična djeca bolja u riješavanju problema, na primjer u matimatici. c) Ako djeca mogu čitati i pisati na maternjem jeziku, ta sposobnost će im pomoći u pismenosti engleskog jezika. Puno vještina čitanja i pisanja mogu se prenositi kroz različite jezike. Za djecu je lakše da čitaju i pišu na jeziku kojim govore kod kuće, čak iako u isto vrijeme stiču pismenost engleskog jezika u školi. d) Roditelji mogu podršavati djecu tako što će pričati sa djecom o čemu su radila u školi i tako što će pričati snjima o domaćoj zadaći. Razgovor o ovim školskim temama na maternjem jeziku će pomoći djeci zato što je često lakše za roditelje da objašnjavaju zadaću na svom jeziku. U tim razgovorima, djeca mogu učiti riječi na maternjem jeziku koje su vezane za školske predmete. 2. Znanje maternjeg jezika je vrlo važno kako zbog razumijevanja kulture Bosne i Hercegovine, tako i iz emocionalnih razloga: a) Puno riječi i pojmova koji su vezani za kulturu BiH se bolje izražavaju na maternjem jeziku. b) Za komunicaciju u porodici, posebno između djece i članova porodice koji žive u BiH (ili kada djeca idu na odmor u BiH ili kada im njihovi bližnji dođu u posjetu u Irsku). Nadamo se da ćete Vašu djecu aktivno uključiti u Bosansko Hercegovačku Školu. Čekamo Vas! _________________________________________________________________ The school was established in October 2012. Its aim is that children of the diaspora of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Ireland acquire an essential knowledge of their home language and enhance this knowledge. They will also learn about the culture and customs of their homeland Bosnia and Herzegovina, without regard to their religious faith. The work of the school is organised on a voluntary basis. Reasons why it is important that children learn their home language: 1. Children who know two languages have academic advantages: (a) With regard to learning other languages, for example Irish, French, etc. (b) Research shows that bilingual children are better at solving problems, for example in maths. (c) If children can read and write in their home language, that ability will help them with literacy in English, since many skills for reading and writing can transfer across different languages. It is easier for children to read and write in the language which they speak at home, even if, at the same time, they are acquiring English language literacy at school. (d) Parents can support children by talking to them about what they did at school and talking to them about homework. Conversations in the home language about these school-related themes will help children’s overall learning because it is often easier for parents to explain about homework through their own language. In these conversations, children can also learn words in their home language that are connected with school subjects. 2. Home language knowledge is very important for understanding the culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also for emotional reasons: (a) A lot of the words and concepts which are connected with the culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina are better expressed in the home language. (b) For communication within the family, especially between children and family members who live in Bosnia and Herzegovina (either when children go there on holiday or when their relatives visit Ireland). We hope that your children will take an active part in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian School. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Killarney Community College

Killarney Community College

New Road, Killarney ,
Killarney Community College is a secondary School, under the governing body of Kerry Education Training Board (KETB) which is co-educational and multi-belief.
Tel: 646632164
Coláiste Rís

Coláiste Rís

Chapel Street, Dundalk ,
Coláiste Rís is a co-educational secondary school in Dundalk. Our aim is to enable students to achieve their full potential.This includes their social behaviour, academic skills, spiritual growth, moral formation and physical development. To help us to achieve these aims, we constantly strive to create a disciplined learning environment in partnership with pupils, teachers and parents. We believe that by such efforts our students will be well prepared for the next stage of their lives.
Five Little Fingers

Five Little Fingers

Chapel Avenue , Balbriggan ,
Preschool located in Balbriggan opened 6 years running
Tel: 01-6905650
Nicholas Thorpe School of Irish Dance

Nicholas Thorpe School of Irish Dance

Nicholas Thorpe School of Irish Dance (WIDA) Based in Saggart/Citywest area, we are here to promote and encourage Irish Dance and Culture to people of all ages!
Tel: -8018
დუბლინის ქართული საკვირაო სკოლა

დუბლინის ქართული საკვირაო სკოლა"ლამპარი"

Bloomfield Avenue. Donybrook, Dublin ,
ჩვენი სკოლა "ლამპარი" მდებარეობს,ირლანდიაში 2007 წელს დაარსებული მულტიკულტურული და განსხვავებული რელიგიური კულტურების დაახლოება დამეგობრების ცენტრის "Lntern Centre" ბაზაზე.
Andy Mahon Music Teacher

Andy Mahon Music Teacher

Drogheda, Louth ,
Individual and Group Tuition provided for guitar, ukelele and drums
Tel: 873932185
Abbey CBS

Abbey CBS

The Abbey CBS is a Christian Brothers Secondary School in the town of Tipperary, South Tipperary, Ireland. The Abbey is an all-boys school and has about 400 students at the moment. In recent years the school has been extended twice.The first extension is known as the "Edmund Rice Wing" and contains an area for student lockers as well as a state-of-the-art Construction Studies room, Woodwork room and Technology laboratory. The second extension was the complete renovation of an old stable which is now called the "Mary Rice Centre" which houses an area for all aspects of special needs, learning support and one-to-one education to accommodate everyone at Abbey CBS. The Special Needs department is very well structured at the school with the vast majority of special needs students receiving one-to-one education and attention by qualified staff.
Clonmullion Play School Athy

Clonmullion Play School Athy

18 Clonmullion, Athy ,
We in Athy Community Council want to make sure that children can learn and play in a safe protected enviornment. We do this by: Giving parents, children and workers information about what we do and what you expect from us. Making sure that our staff and volunteers are carefully selected , Garda vetted, trained and supervised. Letting parents and children know how to voice their concerns or complain if there is anything they are not happy about.
Tel: 598638099
Little Gems Baking Academy

Little Gems Baking Academy

1A Wexford Road, Arklow ,
Learn to bake. If you would like to learn to bake with your children (aged 4-6) then this is the class for you. Sign up and learn how to bake simple yet delicious treats. If your older children want to learn then we have a class for 7-12 year olds. Everything supplied - all you need is a container to bring home your delicious treats. Enjoy and hour and a half of baking. Your children are learning new skills and keeping the old traditions alive! Get messy - have fun - learn to bake!