Business and Personal web pages from Ireland Search result

Bursztynowe Przedszkole

Bursztynowe Przedszkole

63 Hampton Green, Balbriggan ,
Świetna opieka dla dzieci w wieku 3-6 lat. Wykfalifikowana opiekunka z doświadczeniem. Garda vetting i szkolenie pierwszej pomocy
Tel: 870616463 - Polska Szkoła w Balbriggan - Polska Szkoła w Balbriggan

Bremore, Balbriggan ,
Szkoła w Balbriggan chce przyjść z pomocą Polakom zamieszkującym obszar od Dublina do Droghedy w zakresie uzupełnienia wiedzy młodego pokolenia o kraju ojczystym. W najbliższym sąsiedztwie (30km) nie działa żadna placówka ani inny ośrodek kultury polskiej. Wiele dzieci biegle mówi po polsku, ale nie potrafi czytać i pisać w tym języku. Zdarza się, że dzieci nie posiadają podstawowych informacji o kraju swojego pochodzenia. Szkoła ma za zadanie uzupełnić te braki oraz pozwolić nawiązać nowe, lokalne znajomości w obrębie własnej nacji. Dodatkowo, szkoła może stanowić centrum wsparcia i integracji również dla rodziców i innych dorosłych członków polskiego społeczeństwa. Mamy aspiracje, by szkoła była jednocześnie ośrodkiem kultury polskiej na tym terenie. Stanowiąc uzupełnienie irlandzkiej edukacji szkoła będzie działać tylko w soboty w okresie roku szkolnego. Chociaż szkoła nie jest placówką Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej, będzie opierać się na przygotowanej przez MEN Podstawie Programowej dla uczniów polskich uczących się za granicą. Etos szkoły zakłada naukę przez zabawę, tak by szósty dzień tygodnia spędzony w szkole był przyjemnością, a nie przykrym obowiązkiem. Dzień szkolny obejmuje 6 lekcji oraz fakultety w obrębie 6-ciu godzin od 9 do 15. Program nauczania zawiera: * czytanie i pisanie w języku polskim, * gramatyka polska, * literatura polska, * historia Polski, * geografia Polski. Szkoła jest otwarta na sugestie ze strony zainteresowanych rodziców w kwestii modyfikacji i uzupełnienia programu nauczania np o: * matematykę, * religię, * muzykę. Szkoła zaprasza dzieci w wieku 6-12 lat. Będą one podzielone na przynajmniej 3 klasy dydaktyczne liczące po ok. 15 uczniów (nie więcej niż 20 uczniów). Kryterium podziału będzie zarówno: wiek jak i poziom aktualnie posiadanej wiedzy kwalifikujący dziecko do wybranego toku nauczania. Szkoła będzie wystawiać dzieciom na koniec roku świadectwo/raport opisujący poziom wiedzy i zrealizowanego programu nauczania. Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom rodziców, szkoła ma w planach również założenie grupy przedszkolnej 4-6 lat. Mamy aspiracje być nie tylko szkolą ale również ośrodkiem polskiej kultury. Dlatego też zapraszamy rodziców i opiekunów na konwersacje z języka angielskiego oraz inne zajęcia edukacyjne, integracyjne i rozrywkowe.
Tel: 879434893
Really Cool Afterschool

Really Cool Afterschool

Flemington Community Cenre Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan ,
Children of the school age are looking for different ways to express themselves, to form an idea of who they want to become in the future. In order to help them to do so parents search for after -school activities such as sports, drama classes, music classes, dance lessons, art lessons etc. Those clubs are usually very expensive and have long waiting lists and unfortunately in the current economical climate only a few can afford to send their children for such activities. This is where we come in. We would like to offer the children in the area an opportunity to express themselves through art, drama, music, movement and photography at affordable prices. We would like to create an after-school facility where the children could spend time in a creative interesting way giving parents a peace of mind and no need to search for different clubs and arrange transport, collection of their children as they will have everything in one place. Our after-school will help the children to develop their interests in many aspects of life. We set up a curriculum for every child to find something they are interested in and which will give them an opportunity to develop their skills, become self confident and a well rounded person. Our after-school will have plenty of activities carefully designed for the age of children in our care who are looking for new ways to express themselves. That is why we created a special program which is called: “ Express Yourself hour”. The “express yourself hour” is a one hour block of activities different each day of the week when the children express themselves through various activities: Mondays-art, Tuesdays- music, Wednesdays-drama, Thursday-movement, Fridays-photography. The sessions will be child led with plenty of opportunities for the children to suggest their own interests in the subject, for example if the child is interested in rap music we will encourage them to do the research on the subject, show of their favourite tracks the way that the child will feel that he or she is leading the project while the teacher will fill in the gaps with preparing missing information and broadening children's knowledge on the subject in a fun and interesting way. The children will be encouraged to talk about their interest and the teacher will be providing interesting and unusual activities and information. That will boost kids confidence and self esteem and also promote a healthy attitude and respect towards different opinions, styles, trends, tastes, fashions. We want the children to feel important and heard, we want to show them different aspects of life and broaden their horizons. Our curriculum will also include other important aspects such as: • care of the environment by promoting recycling, saving water and energy, participating in events such as “tidy towns” “earth cleaning day” etc, educating on the importance of caring for the environment on a daily basis while doing everyday activities ( recycling in the class, doing art from recycling materials, not wasting water, switching off lights etc) • promoting healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene, healthy eating, making smart choices • promoting tolerance towards other cultures, traditions and customs, religion and believes, disabilities • developing social skills • supporting local community by participating in local events and festivals
Tel: 860224592
Fingal Adult Education

Fingal Adult Education

First Floor, Sarsfield House, Mill Street, Balbriggan ,
We provide part time and full time courses for the Fingal area. Some courses are funded, for example, VTOS and BTEI courses and other courses are fee-paying. Most courses are FETAC certified from leve
Tel: 01-8417763
Market Green Montessori

Market Green Montessori

25 Market Green, Balbriggan ,
Home based Montessori offering quality care in a warm and nurturing environment. Open Monday thru Friday from 9:30-12:30. Free ECCE places now available.
Tel: 01 8413542
Sunbeams Playschool

Sunbeams Playschool

6 Fulham Street, Balbriggan ,
Sunbeams Playschool is housed in a purpose built facility with a large outdoor area. The room is bright, airy and well equipped. We use the outdoor area as often as possible with children often free to choose whether they are indoors or outside. We meet or exceed all building, fire and HSE childcare regulations for preschool services. We cater for children aged from 2 1/2 to 5 years. We offer the ECCE scheme which provides a FREE year of preschool for qualifying children. Children born between 02/02/08 and 30/06/09 will qualify for the ECCE for September 2012, those born between 02/02/09 and 30/06/10 will qualify in September 2013. There are no extras or top ups whatsoever for ECCE children. We offer competitive fees and flexible payment schedules for non-ECCE children with 2,3,4 and 5 day places available. There is no charge for when the preschool is closed for holidays such as Mid Terms, Christmas and Easter. Sunbeams Playschool runs a planned, play based and child led programme which is flexible to take into account each child's individual learning needs and interests. Themes we have explored with the children currently attending include (among many others) Outdoors, Animals, Seasons, Water, Colours, Shapes, Numbers, Early Literacy, Community, Health including personal care, exercise and nutrition, Festivals, All About Me and Families. We aim to provide activities that help children's Physical, Cognitive, Language, Emotional and Social development and link with the 4 themes of Aistear, Well-Being, Identity and Belonging, Communicating and Exploring and Thinking. We also emphasise the importance of supporting the development of children's social skills in the form of interacting with other children and adults, sharing, taking turns, self care and responsibility as a preparation for Primary School.
Tel: 872986968
Tadpoles Academy

Tadpoles Academy

Balrothery Community Centre, Balbriggan ,
creche places available 730-6pm morning and afternoon sessions available, morning/afterschool and holiday childcare. Great prices available get in touch to find out more.
The Fingal Drum Academy

The Fingal Drum Academy

Enniskel, Castleland Court, Balbriggan, Balbriggan ,
The Fingal Drum Academy is a professional tuition facility catering for drummers in North County Dublin and the surrounding areas. Lessons are provided for all ages, levels, and styles in a custom b